Saturday, November 30, 2013

A day at the pound

I need to know more about puppy play. Today's request was to see a nice human dog pound, and a delightful examination of the (human) doggie adoption process.

I hope I did it some justice. But to really understand it, I probably need a bit of experience. I probably need someone to dress me up as a leather bound puppy and train me ... you know... for research.

Day at the Pound

Friday, November 29, 2013

What it means to me...

So you may have noticed, the first year of Erotica By Request has resulted in 20,000 hits, several published collections, and more than 70 different people getting requests written for them.

One story has crossed the 1000 views mark by itself. Which inspired me to put together a collection of the top 10 stories on the blog, as of the anniversary. So I did. In a nice collection you can download on your kindle.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Dinner

It's the holiday season. And holidays can be stressful. Some people are lucky enough to be able to have fun kinky sex time while watching football, but most of us have to deal with family instead (and not sexually). I'm going off track. Point is, there's stress involved in Thanksgiving, in cooking and such.

And stress needs to be released, somehow. How many of you wish you had the apartment across the hall in this story?

Boots, Breaks, and Beating

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Special tale for special friends

I usually don't write this much in one day. But this month has been light, thanks to other projects, and with the holiday (thanksgiving) coming up, I don't know how much time I'll actually spend writing for the rest of the week.

Besides, some stories just beg to be told. Or, rather, some of them demand to be told. There is romance in struggle.

Wrapped in Silence

Sensual Statues

This request is, technically, only half way finished. I started writing it because I loved the idea, because it seemed to sensual and so loving, so deep and so wonderful. But as I wrote it, I found a lot of deep and personal meaning to it, and I just couldn't bring myself to do the other part. I had to keep the story going where it went, because that's where the tale had to go.

Does that mean I won't write a sequel? Of course it doesn't. If the one who made the request still wants the next part, I'll write it for her. But even if I do, this tale will stand on its own, a wonderful moment of beauty, an example of the power, and the importance, of hope.

The Slave Statue

Monday, November 25, 2013

I should know

So I went looking through my friends and found someone that I haven't written for. This isn't a request, but it is focused pretty clearly on that person's fetishes.

Also, it's just fun to write. Enjoy.

I should know

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

My own fantasy world

I've been gone for a while, working on other things. I hope I can get back into the habit. I need more requests! Please, drop them in the comments, find me on fetlife, send me an e-mail.

Today, when I came back to the office, there was something waiting for me. It was a present; I'll let you guess who sent it. (Please, guess. I'll give a prize to whoever gets it right first)

Maybe it would be best just to tell you about it, to describe exactly what happened.

Deeper and Deeper

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Today's the day!

One year ago today, I started this whole thing.

My goal when I began was just to get me writing more. I wanted to try my hand at something new, and figured that writing erotica didn't 'count'; it was easy to do, I didn't have to worry about the pressure of making it really good. I could just WRITE. If I did enough, and did a good enough job, I thought maybe, MAYBE I'd hit 12,000 views in the first year. That was the hope, that was the goal.

I've learned a few things, and I've changed a lot in that time. So I owe you some thanks, and some apologies:

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Clothes make the Woman

As of tomorrow (November 13), Erotica By Request will be a year old. We're within striking distance of 20,000 views. Please, crash the servers and help us reach that point in the next 30 or so hours!

I know I haven't been posting all that much this month; my alter ego has been working on a novel for Nanowrimo. He's about 60% done, and when he finishes, he'll give me back the content control for our creative energies, and I'll post more stuff here. In the meantime, please bear with the lull. And enjoy days like today, where inspiration comes on hot and heavy.

I have had a wonderful experience lately. Someone I wrote a story for offered to write one for me. It has so far been a fantastic thing. So good that I wanted to write her another tale. Which is where that inspiration for today comes from.

The Costume Party

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Goodie Bag

There are all these stories out there, it has been pointed out to me, where the woman finds out that her man is actually submissive, and takes it upon herself to turn him into her slave, to 'break' him and make him hers, to turn his fantasies into reality whether he wants it or not. Leaving aside the consent problem I have with that, it never really rang true for me.

Today's requester didn't like that either. She seems to think that BDSM is some sort of thing that happens BETWEEN two people, and not just TO one of them. Almost like the people who are into this stuff are REAL people with desires. Like BOTH of them are real, rather than one of them being a walking talking fantasy. It's crazy, I know. But I think she's right.

"I found your bag."