It seems like we've been very quiet here at EbR HQ. There hasn't been much coming out (other than Janice, and congrats to her!), and there isn't much talk of future stories. But there IS some good news.
Boot is going to have a story published in an anthology of 2013's best gay erotica. So that's great. More details on that as it develops.
We haven't been getting much from Boot lately. Seems like he's kind of depressed, feeling somewhat overwhelmed and under appreciated. We threw him a party, even found an entire sorority that needed their boots licked clean, but that didn't seem to help. He just doesn't seem to be all there right now.
Personally, I blame it on Boot's alter ego, the one who works and theoretically makes the money to pay the bills. We've taken an office poll, and have come to the consensus that if we didn't need that guy, we would TOTALLY fire him. Not Boot. The other guy. We like Boot. We want him to feel better, but none of us know how.
That's the problem with writing erotica. Who would buy something they can get for free? Sure, there are websites out there where you have to pay to get to the good stuff, but good stuff there is usually videos, pictures, or hypnotic recordings. While that is all well and good, and Jeff STILL thinks he's a chicken, that doesn't help us here at EbR.
We can't charge you fine people to read this stuff. Why would you pay? There's plenty of erotica out there on the web, and most of it is free. Is our stuff really so much better that it's worth paying for? We think so, and Boot thinks so, but that's more ego than anything else. After all, if you had to pay to see it, and weren't willing to do that, then you'd never know what you were missing, right?
We're hoping to get Boot out of his funk soon. We've been wracking our brains (and putting our Brians on racks) trying to come up with more questions for him to answer, or to get him talking about his fictional past. But nothing seems to be working. The List isn't even holding his attention. To be honest, we're all kind of worried about his health.
What's weird is that the blog keeps getting more and more visitors. We're coming up on the big 10k. Hello new people! We're very glad to have you here, and hope you will make requests. Something to inspire Boot to get up off his ass and down onto his knees would be really appreciated.
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