It's got elements of kink, but it's as power-exchange as I usually get. It's a nice gentle tale of two lovely ladies enjoying themselves. In other words: it's gay erotica. Speaking of which, the last time I really tried that, I got into an anthology of best gay erotica. Knowing that makes me want to say 'huh' to myself. I wonder what it says about me?
But anyway, it's not about me. It's about a nice, sunny day.
Day at the Park
Sarah buckled the gloves at the base
of her hand, her wrist, and halfway up her forearm. She braided her
hair into two loose tails, then wrapped a strip of leather at the
bottom, linking the two together, giving her face a nice frame of
gentle hair. She smiled at herself in the mirror and started buckling
on the corset, pulling the soft leather tight around her.
She settled the leather bandolier
across her shoulder, adjusting the way it hung, and then strapping
the belt around her waist, locking it in place. She checked the pouch
at her waist for the brass cuffs, then adjusted the other tools
strapped in along the length of the bandolier.
“Ready for anything,” she said,
smirking at herself in the mirror. Then she looked down. “Even
still,” she said, “Pants would probably be good.”
She slid latex stockings up over her
knees, snapping them against her thighs with a satisfying sound
before pulling on a canvas skirt that barely covered enough to be
considered decent. She sat down and pulled on soft leather boots,
buckling straps up the sides until they hugged her legs. A bracer on
her left wrist, a hat with goggles strapped around the band, and a
lace and leather collar completed the outfit.
Sarah ran her hands down her body,
then clicked the button on her hat, smiling as the ticking sound as
the gears began turning against each other.
“Perfect,” she said to her
reflection. She tapped the top of her hat, pushing it a bit tighter
on her head, and headed out to the park.
Karen wasn't hard to find. She was
lounging in the sun on a nice blanket, her victorian boots crossed at
the ankles, her fingers twined together on her stomach inside their
lace gloves. Her skirt was pleated, the little tie around her neck
loose around the opened buttons of her blouse, with little strips of
white shirt poking out from underneath the sweater vest.
Sarah approached quietly, taking in
the beautiful sight and trying not to get into Karen's sun. She
didn't want the girl to know she was there until it was too late. She
opened the pouch at her side and slid her gloved hand inside,
fingering the brass as she snuck forward, glad that the soft grass
muffled her steps.
“It's not that you aren't sneaky,”
Karen said, a soft smile still on her face. “I saw you pull up.
Nice bike, by the way.”
Sarah stood up and tilted her head.
She pouted a little bit and smirked as Karen's eyes fluttered open.
“It runs well,” she said. “And I'm told that the back seat
vibrates in a pretty special
way when it really gets going.”
smiled. “You may have to show me that some time.”
slid down onto the blanket, shoulder to shoulder, and looked up at
the clear blue sky. “So is there a picnic to go with this blanket?”
you thinking about food?”
was thinking about eating,” Sarah said.
laughed. “What a charming single entendre,” she said.
rolled over, straddling Karen's waist. Karen looked up at her, then
looked around. “Someone might see us,” she said.
shrugged, then bent forward, lips heading for Karen's. Karen closed
her eyes, and as soon as she did, Sarah changed trajectory and put
her teeth against the soft silky skin of Karen's neck.
When she started biting, Karen's arms
came up around her shoulders. Sarah bit harder, and Karen moaned,
squeezing those shoulders. Sarah's tongue traced over the teeth
marks, then she moved and bit down on the other side, harder still.
Karen's fingers curled, and her nails ran lines down Sarah's arms.
Karen was groaning softly, digging her
nails into Sarah's skin. Sarah twined her fingers through Karen's
hair, pulling it just enough to drag out a moan, which stretched into
throaty sigh, and finally, as Sarah's jaw clamped tighter and
tighter, a squeal.
She loosened her teeth and began
running her tongue over the marks again, chuckling softly as she
pressed her tongue into the little grooves in Karen's skin.
Karen's hands slid down Sarah's back,
along the leather of her corset. She moved Sarah's skirt aside and
slid a finger along her skin.
Sarah pulled away from Karen's neck
and looked at her with a surprised smile on her face.
“You shaved.”
Sarah nodded.
“Me too. But not today.” Karen's
smile became mischievous. “I'm afraid there's a tiny bit of
stubble.” She reached down and pulled her skirt up a little, so
they could press skin to skin. “So there might be a little bit of
“Friction, huh?” Sarah slid her
knees back a bit and pressed her pelvis down, sliding forward a bit.
She kept her eyes locked on Karen's as she moved back and forth,
watching the eyes roll back in Karen's head, mouth opening in quiet
joy. She gripped Sarah's hips, pulling her harder, as if trying to
pull Sarah inside her.
Sarah chuckled and reached into her
pouch. She snapped the cuff on Karen's wrist, screwing it shut before
dragging it over to the other wrist. Once they were linked, she
lifted them up above Karen's head and pressed them onto the blanket
with her gloved hand. Karen made a show of struggling, but only a
little bit.
“Now people who walk by will
definitely know something is going on,” Karen said.
Sarah laughed. “You don't think that
straddling you and chewing on your neck was enough of a hint?”
She slid forward again, pulling a soft
moan from Karen's throat. “Or the tribbing?”
Karen bit her lip. “Most people
don't even know what that is,”
she said.
not a vocabulary test,” Sarah said, running her tongue from Karen's
collar bone up her neck and around the curve of her ear. “They'll
know what's going on, even if they don't know what it's called.”
smirked, groaned again, and pushed her hips up against Sarah's. “I
guess anyone who comes by would see us, then.”
that bother you?”
shook her head. “You?”
even a little.” Sarah smiled. “But if we do get caught, you have
to talk our way out of it.”
wriggled the handcuffs. “You're the one tied up,” she said, her
voice throaty as the movement between them began to warm her up in a
way that had nothing to do with friction.
that mean you should
be explaining?”
glares down at her. “Fine,” she says. “But that means you have
to cash whatever checks my mouth writes.”
smirks. “I like the sound of that. What do you mean?”
shrugs, looking around as if trying to come up with an idea. “I
just mean that if some cop comes by, and I promise him a blow job if
he lets us go, it'll be your lips around his cock. Or if I promise
someone a boot licking, it'll be your tongue against the leather. And
if I offer someone anal, well,” she smirks. “It'll be your
ass on the line.”
laughs. “Why me?”
the one in the school uniform,” Sarah said, shivering as the
pleasure began to build through her body. “So you're the one who's
being a bad girl.”
I get punished?” Karen looked up at her with a coquettish grin.
nodded, tracing the nail of her first finger along Karen's chin,
bending down to give her a soft kiss. “Is that okay?” she asked.
She pressed her forehead to Karen's and smiled at her, their lips
inches apart.
just one problem,” Karen said.
no one comes by, I don't get punished.” She gave Sarah a pouting
smirked. “Oh, I don't know about that,” she said. She pressed her
lips against Karen's again. “If no one else comes, I'll just have
to punish you myself.”
moaned as they kissed, long and deep and flushed with passion. It
felt like hours before they finally broke the kiss, and Karen could
feel the pleasure cruising through her body as the orgasm started to
build. “Promise?”
bit her lip and ground a little bit faster, her breath starting to
come in gasps . She smiled down at Karen as they both neared the
she said. “You dirty slut.”
laugh pushed them both over the edge, moaning in pleasure under the
bright sun.
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