On the other hand, this was a two-fer. I both got to do her request AND fill out part of the List and cover the nun fetish.
Which reminds me: this story might bother some of the more religiously inclined. It's a definite sexualization of the whole thing, and you should know that going in. It's erotica; what do you expect?
Purifying his sins
Right Said Fred played from the
speakers, and Carol smiled. She pulled off her shirt, because she was
too sexy for it. She was also too sexy for her pants, too sexy for
her bra, and too sexy for her panties.
The chorus began, I'm a model
she clapped twice with the song, hands up above her head you
know what I mean, and I do my little dance on the catwalk. She
powdered her skin to help everything go on more easily and to cut
down the sweating, then did a little turn. On the catwalk.
slid the on the latex lingerie, dancing and singing along to herself.
She slid the stockings up her legs and clipped them into place. She
pushed her feet into the boots that laced up just above her knees,
zipping them up tight, glad she'd tied them earlier. Knowing she was
too sexy for her car (too sexy by far), she opened the front clasps
of the corset and held it over her head to make the double clap again
at the start of the chorus. She laid the corset against her back and
hooked it together at the front, then began pulling the laces tighter
and tighter.
breathed out as far as she could, then pulled the laces tighter
again, her posture forced into position as she shook her little
touche. On the catwalk. The Lacisstant made tightening the corset so
much easier and faster that as the song told her that he was too sexy
for his cat (poor pussy, poor pussy cat), she was able to tie it off
and take the latex habit and bunch it up.
she was informed that he was too sexy for the song, she dropped the
habit over her body, letting the latex slip down her skin, pushing
her arms through the short sleeves. There was a brief moment, when
she was pushing her head through the collar, that she did not
feel all that sexy. Thankfully, the song was over, and while the next
song to come on didn't say anything about being a gimp, Carol was
pretty sure no one could see her anyway, which kept her embarrassment
to a minimum.
voice started to curl through the air, insisting that life is a
mystery. Carol smiled.
smoothed down the latex, tugging here, pressing there, twisting that
part and turning this bit until it laid tight against the curves too
extreme to have occurred in nature, knowing that, despite what the
song said, she would never
be down on her knees. She slipped the wimple over her head, tucking
the crimson locks away as best she could. One stray red strand
refused to be hidden. Carol decided that was okay. Even though nuns
weren't supposed to show any hair, one bit of rebellion would be
good, she thought. It made her a little bit bad. A nun who might,
maybe, need to be punished for her sins.
smirked as she rolled the white latex gloves up her hands, over her
elbows, almost all the way up to her shoulders, disappearing under
the quarter sleeves of the habit.
looked at herself in the mirror to make sure her makeup was still
perfect. Just like a prayer, I'll take you there. It's like
a dream to me.
winked at her reflection, hands on her hips. She turned off the
music, opened the door to her little dressing room, and stepped out
into the studio.
On a
table outside the door was a long crucifix necklace and a knotted
string that looked vaguely like a rosary she could wrap around her
tiny waist. The cross at the end of the rosary was big and rounded, a
good solid grip. She slipped a foot and a half of ruler into the
rosary belt and walked towards the center of the room.
step she took made a sound that demanded attention. Everyone in the
tiered seating quieted down, knowing that the show was beginning.
walked slowly, her heels echoing in the sudden silence. All eyes were
on her as she walked over to the pew sitting under a bright
spotlight. She stood next to it, resting one hand on the polished
wood, and smiled out at the crowd, knowing the black and white latex
was practically glowing under the lights. She posed for them, one
foot crossed, the toe pointed on the floor.
tapped her fingers against the pew, trying to look both bored and
door on the other side of the room opened, but Carol didn't bother to
look. She knew who was coming. She watched the audience as they
watched him walk across the stage towards the pew. She ignored the
sound of his loafers sliding on the floor. Her eyes were drawn to the
flare of his jacket as he pushed it out of the way and straightened
his tie on his way down to his knees. He knelt on the pew and put his
hands together on top of the pew, ready to pray.
he was settled, Carol took a step away so she could look him up and
down. Given how nice the suit looked on him, how well cut the fabric
was and how perfectly it framed his body, it was almost a shame what
she was going to do.
do you have to say for yourself, little boy?” she asked, her voice
icy cold but loud enough to carry through the room.
me sister,” he said. “I am a sinner.”
put her hands on her hips and tapped her foot. “A sinner?”
sighed. “I have had impure thoughts,” he said. “And I have
taken impure actions.”
you touched yourself?” she asked.
you?” she slapped her latex gloved hands down on the pew on either
side of his elbows.
looked up into her glaring eyes and swallowed hard. It was as if he
had suddenly realized this wasn't just a show. “Y-yes,” he said,
his voice weak.
reached forward and grabbed his chin in her hand. “Yes what?”
Sister Carol,” he said, his voice louder, but somehow even more
weak. “I have been touching myself.”
dirty ways?”
filthy ways.”
smirked. “Remove your jacket,” she said. “And prepare to
pulled his jacket off and folded it over the pew. She reached out a
hand and grabbed his tie, yanking him to his feet without warning.
She walked him around the pew, then pulled him over it, resting his
stomach on the top of the pew. “Stay,” she said.
clipped the shackles to his wrists, then stepped slowly back around
the pew, squatting on her heels to pick up the other end of the
shackles. She pulled his wrists further, connecting them under the
pew to his ankles. Once she moved away, he made a show of struggling
a bit.
many times have you had impure thoughts, boy?”
Sister Carol.”
laughed at him and shook his head. “And a liar, too.” She pulled
the ruler out of her belt and laid it against his ass. She swatted
once, and he jerked at the impact. “You will count,” she said.
slapped again.
stopped. “Those are for the thoughts you admitted,” she said.
Then she reached around and unbuckled his belt, undid his pants, and
slid them down to his ankles. She yanked down his underwear, leaving
his ass bare.
raised her hand all the way up and slashed down, the ruler slicing
through the air and smacking into his bare skin with a sound that
sent shivers down Carol's spine.
took him a few seconds to be able to speak. He gasped for breath,
pulled against the bonds, and bit back a tear. “Three,” he said.
laughed at him. “That was just one,” she said. “It seems you
can't count very well either, you dirty boy.”
took another swing, slashing the ruler against his ass as hard as she
could. There was already a welt forming from the first hit, and she
knew there would be another one from the second.
he yelled.
shook her head. “Tsk tsk,” she said. “You were supposed to
start over. Stupid little sinner.”
third strike on his bare ask dragged a sob from him. He took deep,
racking breaths, his entire body shivering. “One,” he said, his
voice cracking even with the single word.
she said. Then she took another strike, making sure to cross over the
three clear lines already forming on his skin.
took nearly a minute before he could speak again. When he finally
croaked out the word “Two,” the skin on his ass was burning to
the touch. Another few hits, she knew, and she'd have broken the
didn't have to tell him to hold still while she unhooked his ankles.
She doubted he could move yet anyway, and he was smart enough not to.
She walked back around even more slowly, running her finger up his
back, feeling the sweat sticking his shirt against his flesh like a
second skin. That gave her an idea.
she bent down to grab his wrists. “Be good,” she whispered, “or
I'm going to put on a strap on and fuck the sin right out of you. If
you think your ass hurts now, just think about what that will feel
took his whimper as agreement, and stood up, taking the chain at his
wrists with her. Up above them, a steel chord with a latching hook
waited. She checked to make sure the wrist shackles were on right,
the leather spread out enough to distribute his weight, and then put
the chain between them onto the hook. At a gesture, the steel chord
began to move up again. She stopped it while his toes were still on
the floor and began taking off her rosary.
father,” she said, gripping the cross in one hand and running her
other down his shirt. “Who art in heaven.” She ran the knotted
rope over his shoulder, “hallowed be thy name.” She teased the
rope against his legs. “Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done,” she
slid it against his burning ass, and he whimpered. “On earth as it
is in heaven.”
stepped around to his front and looked him in the eye. Even dangling
as he was, she was still able to look at him without tilting her
head. “Now all you have to do is say a Hail Mary,” she said. “Say
it perfectly, and I won't make you go through the rest of the rosary
swallowed hard, closed his eyes, and started talking. “Hail Mary,
full of grace--”
took a swing with the knotted rope, lashing against his back and
watching it whirl around his chest. She pulled back at the last
second, snapping the whip at the very end.
looked at her, sweat beading on his forehead.
gave him an innocent look. “Go ahead,” she said, pushing the
strand of red hair out of her face. “I didn't say stop.”
the Lord is with thee,” he said. She lashed again, snapping the
knotted whip against his shoulder and around to his stomach. “Blessed
art thou--” another lash from the other side made his voice crack
again. His face was bright red, and she knew there were tears mixed
in with the sweat dripping down his face. He gritted his teeth and
spoke through a clenched jaw “among women.”
paused, but Carol had taken a step away, taking the whip by the top
and leaving the leather cross to hang free.
blessed is the fruit of thy womb,” he said.
let loose a massive swing, the cross slamming into his balls with
enough force that Carol heard people in the audience shifting in
their seats.
he gasped, curling up, a ball of pain hanging by his wrists over the
laughed as she put the rosary back on. Then she grabbed his ankles
and yanked him back to a straight position, which made him yelp in
pain again. He tried to curl again, and she grabbed his crotch tight.
straight,” she said, her voice full of menace. She squeezed.
whimpered, but forced himself to stand.
many times?” she asked, her hand still tight on his crotch. “How
many times did you touch yourself, you disgusting sinner?”
times,” he said. She squeezed. “Five since my last confession,
Sister Carol!” he screamed.
let him go, and he whimpered again.
she said. She rolled her head, cracking her neck. She gestured, and
he was lowered towards the floor, far enough that he could, just
barely, get his knees on the floor. “Then it will take five kicks
to purify you,” she said. “Five kicks that you will accept with
open legs. You will thank me for your penance. Do you understand,
sinner?” She kicked him between the legs. Not terribly hard, but
hard enough to make him squeeze his eyes tight in agony.
Sister Carol.”
when you have taken your five kicks,” she kicked him again, just a
little bit harder, “You will thank me for saving your soul.”
Sister Carol.”
won't be that bad,” she said, patting him on the head. “Just five
more kicks.”
whimpered, but knew better than to correct her.
kicks. And then,” she took a step back to measure the distance.
“Then you can thank me by taking that tongue, the source of your
salvation, and you can lick my boots. You can lick the instruments of
your penance.”
Sister Carol.”
you can lick the taste of your filthy sinner cock off them. Say thank
you, boy.”
you, Sister Carol.”
took a big swing, kicking him as hard as she could. He was lifted
almost to his feet, and crashed down so hard that if he hadn't been
held by the chain, his knees would have slammed against the concrete.
Carol wondered briefly if his shoulders would be okay. But while he
sobbed in agony, he never once said his safe word.
more, a nice boot cleaning, and then she'd see if there was anything
else she wanted to do. Anything else that might help... purify him.
smile on her face was chilling to see when she took her second kick.
He screamed. She moaned in sadistic pleasure.
more kicks. Then a boot licking.
she was just getting started.
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