Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Dinner

It's the holiday season. And holidays can be stressful. Some people are lucky enough to be able to have fun kinky sex time while watching football, but most of us have to deal with family instead (and not sexually). I'm going off track. Point is, there's stress involved in Thanksgiving, in cooking and such.

And stress needs to be released, somehow. How many of you wish you had the apartment across the hall in this story?

Boots, Breaks, and Beating
 Audrey pulled off her apron and tossed it down on the counter. “You guys have cleanup?” she looked back and forth around the table, and decided to take their mumbled groans of contentment as consent. She laughed, shook her head, and walked to the door. Grabbing her keys from the bowl by the door, she made a half effort to tell people she'd be back. The football game was already starting, the food was already digesting; she could have burned the place down and the most response she would have gotten was some complaints about the heat.

She smiled, shook her head again, and stepped out of the apartment. The heels of her harness motorcycle boots making a wooden click on the floor. Two steps across the hall, and she slipped the key into the lock. The thought of how he might react the sound gave her another smile, a different and darker smile. She turned the key and pushed the door open slowly, glad she never bothered to oil the hinge. The door creaked, and she lavished the sound, drawing it out slowly.

He turned his head towards her, towards the sound. She closed the door behind her, throwing the latch of the lock and letting it echo through the otherwise empty apartment. She took a step across the bare floor, then another.

Heel, toe. Heel, toe.

He followed her movement, the blindfold forcing him to rely on the sound of her boots. Heel, toe. Heel, toe. A slow, casual walk around the room. He'd been waiting for hours. A little while longer wouldn't hurt.

“Are you hungry?” she asked, stretching her arms over her head, rolling her neck and sighing, already feeling the tension start to drain out of her. “I'm pretty sure I spilled all sorts of things on my boots.” She sighed. “Do you have any idea how uncomfortable it was wearing these all day? I hope you appreciate it.”

He made a muffled sound and struggled a little bit. Then came the frustrated sound that told Audrey he'd been trying before.

Heel, toe. Heel, toe.

“I could've worn comfortable shoes. But no. I had to wear these. These nice, black, leather boots.” She bent down and started rolling up her jeans, knowing that he couldn't see it, but enjoying herself anyway. “I had to handle the metal ring pressing against my ankle, the straps over my feet. I had to have my feet crammed into these things while I basted the turkey, while I chopped the apples.” She sighed. “There's probably all kinds of crap that dripped down on them. And that's not even counting whatever I stepped in around the kitchen.”

Heel, toe. Heel, toe.

She bent down, right in front of him, so she could whisper in his ear. “I wore these all day, just for you,” she said. “My feet are killing me. Do you know what that means?”

She grabbed the zipper at the back of his neck and slid it up, then yanked the mask off his face without any ceremony. He blinked in even the dim light of the empty apartment.

She gave him a little kick in the side, just enough to make him gasp at the shock of it. “I asked you a question,” she said. He started to answer, and she kicked him again. “Not yet,” she said.

“First, they need to be cleaned.” She took a step back, just barely out of his reach. “So get to it.” She pulled the one piece of furniture in the apartment, the folding chair, and placed it in front of him. Lowered herself to the chair, sighing at the simple pleasure of being off her feet. “Lick.”

He wriggled forward, sliding along the floor like a worm, the only movement he was capable of. She considered pulling her foot away, just to make him wriggle a bit more. But the exhaustion of cooking for twenty outweighed the fun of watching him degrade himself for her. Maybe later.

His eyes drifted closed as his tongue slid out of his mouth and began pressing against the leather of her boot. He slid over the toes, and she felt the pressure against her toes, against the top of her foot. She smiled quietly as the soft press of his tongue leeched the stress of the last few hours. He made a soft sound of pleasure, one she would punish him for later, as his tongue curled its way over her insole. He pressed his tongue through the ring, over the rivets at each of the three straps, licking under the straps as well as over them. He ran along the strap behind her ankle to the other ring and repeated the process.

Audrey crossed her arms over her chest and watched him work, seeing the tension in his body as he pulled himself up enough to get his tongue to the top of her boot, halfway up her calf. He shook with the tension of holding himself up, but he didn't ask her to unbind his hands, he didn't shirk on his duties. He collapsed back to the floor as soon as he had licked his way around her calf, breathing heavily and sweating a little at the exertion. Audrey lifted her foot a little bit, leaning it back on her heel. He pressed his tongue against the ridge of her heel, pushing hard against the sole so she could feel the pressure on the bottom of her foot as he licked the sole.

“So what did I step in?” she asked, knowing he wouldn't answer. He knew better than to respond while he was cleaning her boots. “I know I stepped on some pie crust at some point. Maybe a bit of stuffing? Cranberry sauce?” He moved his tongue down over her heel, then around the seam where her boot met her sole. He pressed a gentle kiss against the top of her foot, and she pulled it away, presenting him with the other boot.

“It's kind of gross,” she said as he started working on the other boot. “I know there's grease spatter on there. Probably some congealed butter. A bit of cream.” He ran his tongue along the side of her foot, pressing hard so she could feel the gentle massage. “The food was delicious, you know. Of course you know that.” He started licking around the ring again, and she sighed. “But I wonder. All together, it was fantastic. But the ingredients, bit by bit, how do those taste? How does it taste licking up the scraps of my cooking, the dredges of the wonderful meal that everyone else was enjoying while you were laying here, all tied up, all by yourself?

“Does it bother you that you weren't invited to dinner?” He strained again, lifting himself up off the floor to lick his way up her calf. “I mean, there's no way I could ever have you over there with me. I couldn't have those people meet you. Those are my friends.” He fell down again, and she presented him with the sole. He started licking, obedient as ever. “They're my family. People I actually care about.”

She pulled her boot away and stood up suddenly, the movement pushing the chair away.

“Could you imagine?” she laughed and took a step around his form. Heel, toe. Heel, toe. “Having to introduce you to people that actually matter?” She shook her head. “What would I even say?”

She squared towards him and delivered a swift kick to his side. He gasped, and she kicked again, harder. He curled up around her foot, groaning into the fetal position. “Hi mom, hi dad,” she said, her voice dripping with ridicule, “So glad to see you. This is the piece of shit that licks my boots.” She stepped away from him, then kicked him again, this time with the side of her boot, against the flesh of his back. “Yes, Carl, I am married. To him? Oh, good lord no.” She kicked him again, and he whimpered a bit.

Audrey laughed, “I would never,” she accentuated the cruel mockery in her voice with a vicious kick to his leg “ever,” to his stomach, “even consider a real relationship,” and finally to his crotch with this pathetic little shit.”

She stepped away. Heel, toe. Heel, toe. He curled up around the pain, as if holding it at his core. She gave him a sinister chuckle. “Could you imagine?” she asked. “What if people actually thought that I would sully myself by being somewhere with you,” she gave him another nudge, rolling him onto his back. “and in public?” She shook her head.

Audrey rolled her shoulder, trying to decide what else she wanted to do to him, how else she wanted to take out some of her aggression, how else she could relieve some stress. She pressed the sole of her boot against his neck and crossed her arms, tapping one finger against her teeth as if she was thinking, as if she was considering what to do next, while gently increasing the pressure against his throat.

His eyes bulged a little bit, pain mixing with excitement and tinged with more arousal than panic. She pressed a bit harder, cutting off a bit more of his oxygen, wondering if there would be a bruise in the shape her her heel on the side of his neck.

“I need to think,” she said, pressing down a bit harder, staring down at him, making sure his eyes never show fear or real danger. “Maybe I need a good fucking. Or to cane you for a few hours.” she rolled her shoulders. “No, I'm still too tired for that. How about a massage?”

He looked up at her and opened his mouth, but only a choking sound came out. She smiled.

“Not for you, idiot,” she said. She pulled her foot off his neck and gave him a gentle kick on the jaw, more a nudge than an actual kick. She laughed and turned towards the door.

Heel, toe. Heel, toe.

“You think about it,” she said. “I'm going to go back and make sure everything is going okay. Make sure no one is missing me.”

Heel, toe. Heel, toe.

“I'll be back at half time. Maybe I'll cut you loose. Maybe I'll be rested enough to really beat the shit out of you.”

She flexed her ankle, rolling her foot and hearing the leather creak. Heel, toe. Heel toe.

She flipped the latch, opening the lock with a loud click.

“Or maybe I'll come up with some other torture for you.” She took a deep breath, letting it out with a pleasant sound at the thought of the sorts of things she might do to him later. “You think about that,” she said.

She pulled the door open. “Come up with something clever,” she said, “And maybe I'll make it worth your while.”

She closed the door behind her, locked it, and stepped back across the hallway, ready to rejoin the festivities. She took a deep breath, recentering herself, putting her mind back into family mode.

She opened the door to her apartment with a smile painted on her face, a smile for the secret in the apartment across the hall. “Where've you been?” someone asked.

“Just went for a walk,” she said.

“You missed the kickoff.”

Audrey laughed. “Not exactly.”

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