Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Today's the day!

One year ago today, I started this whole thing.

My goal when I began was just to get me writing more. I wanted to try my hand at something new, and figured that writing erotica didn't 'count'; it was easy to do, I didn't have to worry about the pressure of making it really good. I could just WRITE. If I did enough, and did a good enough job, I thought maybe, MAYBE I'd hit 12,000 views in the first year. That was the hope, that was the goal.

I've learned a few things, and I've changed a lot in that time. So I owe you some thanks, and some apologies:

Thank you, all of you, for reading. I don't know if we can hit 20k today, but even if we don't, we're past 19,900 views, and that's a hell of a lot more than I thought we'd hit. For every full month of this blog's existence (so not counting last November), there have ALWAYS been at least 1000 views. And that is entirely because of you.

Thank you for requesting. There are seventy of you. When I started keeping track, I never thought there would be that many. I did the idea of requests because I was looking for inspiration. And you have provided it, all of you, in spades.

Thank you for your comments. They brighten my day, seriously. It's a bit sad how often I check to see if there are new comments.


I'm sorry that I ever considered erotica to 'not count.' I've learned how much depth of character is possible, how much freedom there is, and how much erotica CAN be art. And not just art, but Art.

I'm sorry that I haven't written more. I hope to rectify that.

I'm sorry I haven't published a book in a while. Hope to rectify that (though since fewer than a dozen people have actually bought any, I'm not sure that matters).

Anyway, happy birthday blog, thank you all, and keep it coming.

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