Saturday, December 22, 2012

Progress, book, and the future

Wow, I'm amazed at how well this is doing. We're averaging around 30 views a day, we've crossed the 600 mark (by more than 35), and we're still not even two months old.

Since 12/12/12, there has been a new story posted EVERY DAY. I'm hoping to continue on that schedule for as long as I can. If you keep asking, I'll keep writing.

What can you do to help? Keep making requests. And please, please, comment on things. I love hearing your thoughts.

Also, there's now a book you can purchase! It's volume one, and is a general volume, covering the first two dozen stories on the blog. You can buy the digital copy or a physical copy. The physical copy has a cover picture of Theresa Manchester, photography by DreadNaught Photography.

Purchasing this book helps to support me and support my writing. Please buy copies if you like it, and share with as many people as possible. There, consider that my shameless plug.

Buy the physical copy or the digital copy
Support independent publishing: Buy this e-book on Lulu.

Or both! (okay, last shameless plug, I promise)

Where to next? You're about to see some REALLY taboo style fantasies. We're going to experiment and see how far from real we can go without losing the fun of it. There will be character driven stories as well, provided people ask for them (or I get bored), but we're going to a dark place, just in time for the holidays.

Thank you all, and keep reading!

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