Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Hopefully, just a bad day

I haven't been writing much. I think it's a slump that has to do with Groundhog Day.

Winter is going on too long. Winter has more than settled in. It has staked claim, planted crops, adopted children, incorporated, and has gotten tax laws changed. It's so cold here that the groundhog's shadow froze, fell over, and killed the groundhog, but no one noticed because the light that was supposed to reach their eyes froze before it got there.


I'm not writing much of anything. And I haven't been writing for the blog. Check out past the cut, and I'll tell you why.

I don't know if anyone cares anymore. I'm still getting visits to the site, which is awesome, but no one is commenting anymore. No one is requesting anymore. I write stories for specific people, even famous people, and it feels like the most response I get is a 'gee thanks.'

So I feel unappreciated. I'd like to say that I do this because I love writing. Well, that's only half true. I DO love writing. But I only like writing erotica FOR other people. If I'm not helping someone else's fantasy, then I'd rather be writing something else. Something that maybe, just maybe, I could get paid for some day.

I'm really hoping this feeling is temporary. Maybe I just had a hard weekend, and Boot will come out and play again tomorrow. I don't know. But I do know that I need help. I need encouragement. I need inspiration.

So ask me a question. Tell me something you like in the stories. Tell me something you'd like to see. Ask me to write something for you. Name three or four weird fetishes, and dare me to string them together. Ask me about some point in my life so I can do another 'Confession.'


If you're out there, and you're reading... help me out.


  1. I really enjoy how no two stories are the same. I have your books and this is my first glimpse into erotica and real kink. I'm a very strong person and little fazes me but there have been a couple of stories that were even too much for me (only a couple though). I want to thank you for opening my eyes into things i may be interested in trying soon and, although I'm still quite green, I'll keep reading.

    1. I appreciate the feedback Shye! And don't worry, some of the stories are too much for me, too. I have to remind people every once in a while that the things I write are not necessarily things I am interested in. I write for other people, for readers (like you). We all have our kinks, and some kinks are not for all of us, but that doesn't make them in any way less important.
      Glad to have you aboard.

  2. Glad to be here! I truly, thoroughly enjoy your writing and hope you never quit. <3
