Monday, February 11, 2013

What he wants to know

One of the nice thing about interrogation scenes is that they can be about anything. Any piece of information, no matter how meaningless. The idea is to get the person to break. So all you need to do, really, is have some way to confirm the information when they finally talk.


Alex Getting Tortured
Alex pulled against the plastic zip strip around her wrists and shook the water out of her hair. She spat, coughed some of the water out of her lungs. She turned to look up at him, blinking water out of her eyes. “Still can't remember,” she said.
He slapped her across the face. She felt the inside of her mouth with her tongue, seeing if any of her teeth were loose yet.
He slapped her again. She tasted blood.
“Nope,” she said. “Still nothing.”
He pushed her head back into the water. She had time to take a breath, but the cold was still a shock. The first time he'd dunked her, the shock had made her scream, taking out the air. Made her panic and struggle.
Every time he dunked her, the panic lessened. But it never really went away. She was able to hold on, but it was a matter of time.
The cold at least felt good against her cheek.
He pushed harder, lacing his hand in her hair. She struggled against him, but didn't let herself panic. She just held on, letting the air in her lungs burn, but not letting it go.
Then she felt his other hand between her legs. He rubbed, so rough with one hand, so gentle with the other. He slipped a finger inside. She yelped.
The air bubbles tickled the side of her face as the air raced out.
She pulled up, trying to get out of the water. But he held her down. Held her under while his other hand kept rubbing. She bit her lip, fighting panic and trying to ignore pleasure at the same time.
She thrashed against him, felt the plastic digging into her wrists. She tried to scream into the water, but there was no air for it. He pushed his finger deeper inside her, wriggling it around, and held her down in the water. Alex pushed hard, but she couldn't overpower him. The angle was all wrong.
She was about to open her hand, about to let the little ball roll out, when he finally let her up to breathe.
She gasped for breath and tossed her head, splashing water everywhere and not caring even a little bit. She coughed; her throat was starting to burn.
He grabbed her hair again and yanked, pulling her to her feet but completely off balance. He put his hand on her throat. “Tell me what I want to know,” he said. His voice was flat, calm. “Either that, or I'll have to get a bit more creative.”
Alex laughed as best she could and forced a smile onto her face. “This isn't creative?”
He smiled at her. “It's just a start,” he said.
“Then bring it on.”
It was as if he already knew it was coming. He pulled her with him as he walked across the room, letting her stumble as he dragged her by the hair.
“Last chance,” he said.
She spat at him. Missed.
He slugged her in the stomach. Even ready for it, Alex collapsed to the floor, coughing, her throat burning even more.
He grabbed her hair again while she was coughing, put a wide collar around her neck. She heard the snick of a lock closing, and he let her go. But her head didn't drop when he did.
A posture collar.
She opened her mouth to say something, then felt the tugging. As she was lifted off the ground, dangling by her posture collar, he stepped into her view. Stood there looking at her with his hands held behind his back.
“Can you breathe okay?” he asked, smiling with all the charm of a viper. “It shouldn't be enough to really choke you. I mean, you'll lose consciousness in a few minutes, probably. Maybe as many as twenty. And if I left you there for, say, and hour, you'd probably suffer brain damage. Maybe even die.” He rubbed the stubble on his chin with his left hand. “So our time is limited. Are you ready to talk now, or should we wait until you start feeling dizzy?”
Alex grimaced and tried hard not to move. She forced a deep breath, then another. But she knew she couldn't keep that up forever. Sooner or later, she'd hyperventilate. Then she'd panic. Then she'd let the ball go, he'd cut her down, and the scene would end.
Or, she could tell him.
But then it would end anyway.
“Still not sure,” she said, her voice weaker than it had been. “Not sure what you're talking about.”
He smiled at her and pulled his right hand out from behind his back. In it was a straight razor. He very carefully dipped it into rubbing alcohol, then lit the alcohol on fire, letting her watch it burn. When it had all burned away, he stepped closer to her. “Nice and sterile,” he said.
“This is it?” she asked. “This is creative?”
“Razors are really special,” he said. “They're so sharp, you almost can't feel them cut into your skin.” He ran the metal, the dull side, down her side. “More importantly, the cuts are so small that they usually don't even scar. At least, not permanently.”
He turned the blade over and gave her a light cut just above her left breast. She winced, but it didn't hurt. Not really.
The cuts were all just barely on the surface. Over her collar bone. Her right arm. Under her belly button. Around her nipple. They bled, but just a little bit.
“Ready?” he asked.
She smiled at him, forced another deep breath. She might not be able to hang there indefinitely, but she wasn't even close to giving up yet.
He put his free hand into his pocket and pulled out something yellow, round, and plastic. It looked like a lemon. He gave her a very sadistic smile. “The pain doesn't come from the cuts,” he said. He popped the top off the lemon. “The pain comes from the citric acid.”
He splashed a little bit onto her chest. She winced as it flowed over the first cut, then whimpered while she felt it dripping slowly down her skin towards the cut over her breast, towards the one by her nipple and the one under her belly button.
The cuts burned from the lemon juice. It wasn't all that sharp of a burning, but it didn't go away. It didn't intensify, didn't dull. Just maintained the same level.
He stepped back and cleaned the razor blade again, whistling to himself as Alex hung there, whimpering in pain, trying to breathe with the collar pressing against her throat. Once the blade as clean, he stepped back up in front of her.
“The tongue,” he said, “is one of the fastest healing parts of the body. It's because the saliva helps it heal. Everything in the mouth heals fast. Did you know that?”
“I can't talk if you slice apart my tongue,” she said.
He shrugged. “You can't speak clearly if I cut it too much,” he said. “But you could if I just sliced your gums. Of course, that'll hurt. A lot.” He patted himself down as if looking for something. “And I seem to be all out of Novocaine.”
She laughed. He stepped closer and reached up to her face, squeezing her cheeks to force her mouth open.
“No no no,” she said, thrashing and kicking to get away from him, from the blade in his hand.
He stepped back and flicked the razor closed. Smiled at her. “Does that mean you're going to talk?”
“Please,” she said. “No more cutting.”
He shrugged. “Just tell me what I want to know,” he said. “And I'll put away my blade.”
“Okay,” she said. “Okay. I'll tell you.”
He smiled, folded the blade. “I had a feeling you would.” Then he let out a sigh. “Too bad. I didn't even get to the needle and thread part.”
“Leslie,” she said. “My middle name is Leslie.”
He went to the table and opened an envelope. Pulled out a piece of paper and read something.
Then he turned towards her again and undid his pants. Took a few steps towards her.
Alex reached out with her legs, wrapped them around him, and pulled him closer. Used him to pull the weight off her throat. He slid into her. She moaned, bit his neck.
She winced as they went, as he pounded into her. The sweat streaked down her body, into each of the cuts. He stepped back, pulling her with him, letting the collar choke her again. She pulled him deeper inside, growling at him as he laughed.
He put his hand in her hair again, squeezed to pull at the roots. “I'll let you down,” he said. “Right after you make me cum.”
Alex forced a breath into her lungs.
“I'll make you cum,” she said, “As soon as I do.”

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